Class 2 Reading notes
What is a Text editor?
A text editor is an important piece of software used to manage the text used in your code. Text editors generally have feautures that allow you to have a lot of customization and make your work more efficient. You can either use the text editor that comes with your OS or download a third party application.
Difference between text editors and IDEs-
Text editor-edits text and manages text and files. IDE(Intergrated Development Environment)- text editor, a file manager, a compiler, and a debugger all in one software package.
The Command Line!
So what are they exactly?
A command line, or terminal, is a text based interface to the system. You are able to enter commands by typing them on the keyboard and feedback will be given to you similarly as text.
Opening a Terminal
If you’re on a Mac then you’ll find the program Terminal under Applications -> Utilities. An easy way to get to it is the key combination ‘command + space’ which will bring up Spotlight, then start typing Terminal and it will soon show up. If on Linux then you will probably find it in Applications -> System or Applications -> Utilities. Alternatively you may be able to ‘right-click’ on the desktop and there may be an option ‘Open in terminal’. If you are on Windows and intend to remotely log into another machine then you will need an SSH client.
The Shell, Bash
shell- defines how the terminal will behave and looks after running commands. Bash(bourne again shell)- most common shell
Basic Navigation
Command Cheat Sheet
- pwd(present working directory)-shows directory
- ls (list)- shows everything in directory
- cd(change directory)- navigates to directory
- mkdir(make directory)- creates folder
Relative path A file or directory location relative to where we currently are in the file system. Absolute path A file or directory location in relation to the root of the file system.
More about Files
- file-obtain information about what type of file a file or directory is.
- ls -a -List the contents of a directory, including hidden files.
- Everything is a file under Linux Even directories.
- Linux is an extensionless system
- Files can have any extension they like or none at all.
- Linux is case sensitive
- Beware of silly typos.