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Basics of HTML, CSS & JS

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Why this matters

It matters because the better understanding of each element and how they’re supposed to be laid out will make styling separate elements easier and finding what we need to find faster.

Introduction to HTML

  1. Why is it important to use semantic elements in our HTML?- It makes it easier to see and verify what each element of the page is supposed to be.
  2. How many levels of headings are there in HTML?- 6
  3. What are some uses for the <sup> and <sub> elements?- When marking up items like dates and equations.
  4. When using the <abbr> element, what attribute must be added to provide the full expansion of the term?- title

Learn CSS

  1. What are ways we can apply CSS to our HTML?- external stylesheet, in line, and internal stylesheet.
  2. Why should we avoid using inline styles?- makes our HTML cluttered

Review the block of code below and answer the following questions:

h2 {
     color: black;
     padding: 5px;
  1. What is representing the selector?- h2
  2. Which components are the CSS declarations?- color: and padding:
  3. Which components are considered properties?- black and 5px

Learn JS

  1. What data type is a sequence of text enclosed in single quote marks?- string
  2. List 4 types of JavaScript operators.- arthimetic operators, increment and decrement operators, assignment operators, and comparison operators.
  3. Describe a real world Problem you could solve with a Function.- I could use a function to take out the trash if the trash can was full.

Making Decisions In Your Code – Conditionals

  1. An if statement checks a condition and if it evaluates to true, then the code block will execute.
  2. What is the use of an else if?- for multiple executions for different varibles evaluating to true.
  3. List 3 different types of comparison operators.- === and !==, < >, <= >=
  4. What is the difference between the logical operator && and   ? for && both conditions have to evaluate to be true and for   only one has to be true for it to execute.