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CSS Layout

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Why this matters

This matter because flexbox is an important tool in CSS that I need to learn how to use to better style my pages/applications.

Learn CSS - Flexbox

Flexbox is designed for one-dimensional content. Explain what this means. It means it’s better for just like a single row or column of content rather than a whole webpage. Explain the difference between the main axis and cross axis. the main axis is set by your flex direction and the cross axis is the opposite of your main axis. How can using certain properties of flexbox negatively impact accessibility? row and column reverse only reverses the visual order and not logical order.

CSS Layout - Flexbox

What are some advantages of using flexbox over float? It’s difficult to center an element, making child elements the same width/height, etc. How does this topic connect with your long term goals? I need to learn how to properly style and format webpages using the proper tools available with CSS.