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Chart.js, Canvas

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Why this matters

This matters because using charts gives us a more visually appealing way to display data on our page and more.

JavaScript Canvas

What does the <canvas> allow a developer to acheive? allows you to draw 2D graphics using JS

What is the importance of the closing </canvas> tag? the content between them is displayed when the browser doesn’t support the canvas element.

Explain what the getContext() method does. it takes in one argument for context.

Chart.js Documentation

What is Chart.js and how it can be brought into your project? by linking the url in the html

List 3 different Chart types you can create using Chart.js. area bar bubble

Easily Create Stunning Animated Charts with Chart.js

What are some advantages to displaying data via a chart over a table? It allows the user to have a visual representation of data

How could Chart.js aid your previously created applications visually? It could show our users our data from the salmon cookies table in chart form.